由于CSLR成本飙升,金融服务理事会负责人呼吁改变监管,这威胁到了澳洲人的无障碍环境。 Financial Services Council chief calls for regulatory changes due to soaring CSLR costs, threatening accessibility for Aussies.
金融服务理事会主管Blake Briggs呼吁重新评估财务咨询条例,建议简化违规报告程序,并审查最后度假者赔偿计划。 Financial Services Council chief Blake Briggs calls for a reassessment of financial advice regulations, suggesting streamlining breach reporting and reviewing the Compensation Scheme of Last Resort (CSLR). CSLR面临供资费用的大幅增加,预计下一个财政年度将达到7 000万美元,主要原因是Dixon咨询公司和联合全球资本公司的失败。 The CSLR is facing a large increase in funding costs, projected to reach $70 million in the next financial year, primarily due to failures at Dixon Advisory and United Global Capital. 费用剧增导致政府进行审查,并引起人们对该职业对普通澳大利亚人来说费用太高的关切。 The surge in costs has led to a government review and raised concerns about the profession becoming too costly for ordinary Australians.