澳大利亚监管机构ACIS报告了超过470万宗财务投诉,导致375万澳元的补救措施。 Australian regulator ASIC reports over 4.7 million financial complaints, leading to $375M in remedies.
澳大利亚证券和投资委员会发表了关于2023年7月至2024年6月金融投诉的首份全行业数据报告,涉及470多万宗投诉。 The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) released its first industry-wide data report on financial complaints from July 2023 to June 2024, covering over 4.7 million complaints. 一般保险引起的投诉占33%,诸如服务和收费等问题最为普遍。 General insurance led complaints at 33%, with issues like service and charges being the most common. ASIC指出,623 555起投诉导致3.75亿多美元的货币救济。 ASIC noted 623,555 complaints resulted in over $375 million in monetary remedies. 然而,监管机构对数据准确性以及审查报告做法的计划表示关切,计划在明年开始个别公司报告。 However, the regulator expressed concerns about data accuracy and plans to review reporting practices, starting individual firm reporting next year. 此外,ASIC报告了72 238起投资和咨询投诉和220 860起退休金投诉,分别有1 300万美元和1 500万美元的补救措施。 Additionally, ASIC reported 72,238 investment and advice complaints and 220,860 superannuation complaints, with over $13 million and $15 million in remedies respectively.