2024-25 FSCS 预计将支付 3.63 亿英镑的赔偿金,同时对金融公司的征税减少 2.65 亿英镑。 2024-25 FSCS expects to pay £363m compensation with a reduced levy of £265m for financial firms.
金融服务补偿计划 (FSCS) 预计将在 2024-25 财年支付 3.63 亿英镑的补偿金,同时对金融公司的征税减少 2.65 亿英镑。 The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) expects to pay £363m in compensation during the 2024-25 fiscal year, with a reduced levy of £265m for financial firms. FSCS 为已破产或停止交易的授权金融服务公司的客户提供安全保障,涵盖银行存款、投资、养老金、保险和丧葬计划等产品。 The FSCS provides safety for customers of authorised financial services firms that have failed or ceased trading, covering products like bank deposits, investments, pensions, insurance, and funeral plans. 剩余资金已用于抵消2024-25年的征税。 A surplus of funds has been used to offset the 2024-25 levy.