大众对印度的税收需求提出1.4B的起诉,声称这违反了汽车部分进口规则。 Volkswagen sues India over $1.4B tax demand, claiming it violates car part import rules.
大众汽车(Volkswagen)正在起诉印度政府,要求缴纳14亿美元的税款,称其违反汽车零部件的进口税规定。 Volkswagen is suing the Indian government over a $1.4 billion tax demand, arguing it contradicts import taxation rules for car parts. 争议源于大众汽车公司为支付较低税率而单独进口汽车零件的战略,政府声称这是逃税。 The dispute stems from Volkswagen's strategy of importing car parts separately to pay lower duties, which the government claims is tax evasion. 孟买高等法院将于2月5日审理这一可能威胁投资15亿美元的案件。 This case, threatening $1.5 billion in investments, will be heard by the Mumbai High Court on February 5.