研究发现,常见的睡眠援助旦可能会损害大脑的废物清除系统,有可能与痴呆症相关联。 Study finds common sleep aid zolpidem may harm brain's waste-clearing system, potentially linked to dementia.
最近的一项研究发现,唑吡坦是一种常见的睡眠辅助剂,可能会破坏大脑的淋巴系统,该系统可以在睡眠中清除废物,并有助于预防痴呆等疾病。 A recent study found that zolpidem, a common sleep aid, may disrupt the brain's glymphatic system, which clears waste during sleep and helps prevent diseases like dementia. 药物能够抑制必要的脑震荡,降低系统的有效性。 The medication can suppress necessary brain oscillations, reducing the system's effectiveness. 鉴于睡眠辅助器具的广泛使用,研究人员建议将其使用限制在短期和作为最后手段,强调需要进一步研究其对大脑健康的长期影响。 Given the widespread use of sleep aids, researchers recommend limiting their use to short-term and as a last resort, emphasizing the need for further study on their long-term impact on brain health.