韩国炼油厂在2024年创下出口纪录,但全球价格下跌导致收入下降。 South Korea's oil refiners hit export records in 2024, but earnings fell due to lower global prices.
韩国主要的炼油厂在2024年建立了汽油和柴油出口记录,分别达到111.89亿桶和211.66亿桶,是1992年以来的最高水平。 South Korea's major oil refiners set records for gasoline and diesel exports in 2024, totaling 111.89 million and 211.66 million barrels respectively, the highest since 1992. 尽管石油出口总额增长了4.8%,达到4.9045亿桶,但由于全球价格下跌,收入下降了2.9%,达到45.17亿美元。 Despite a 4.8% rise in overall petroleum exports to 490.45 million barrels, earnings fell 2.9% to $45.17 billion due to lower global prices. 出口增长被视为应付炼油利润下降的战略。 The increase in exports is seen as a strategy to cope with declining refining margins.