美国城市中价格为100万美元或以上的初级住宅数量在2024年升至237个,而2019年为84个. The number of U.S. cities with starter homes priced at $1 million or more surged to 237 in 2024, up from 84 in 2019.
截止2024年6月, Zillow 报告说, 237个美国城市现在的起步房屋价格为100万美元或以上, 比2019年的84个城市增加了280%。 As of June 2024, Zillow reports that 237 U.S. cities now have starter homes priced at $1 million or more, up 280% from 84 cities in 2019. 在华盛顿州,8个城市有超过100万美元的新建住房,高于2019年的5个。 In Washington state, 8 cities have starter homes over $1 million, up from 5 in 2019. 造成这一激增的部分原因是,这一流行病加剧了住房短缺,使价格自2019年以来上涨了54.1%。 This surge is partly due to a housing shortage exacerbated by the pandemic, pushing prices up 54.1% since 2019. 在全国,初创住房平均为196,611美元。 Nationally, starter homes average $196,611. 在平均房地产价格方面,华盛顿州位居第四,18个西部城市的典型房价超过100万美元。 Washington state ranks fourth in average real estate prices, with 18 western cities having typical home prices exceeding $1 million. Wenatchee的中位价格上涨了5%,达到500 000美元。 Median prices in Wenatchee rose 5% to $500,000.