华盛顿州的房屋平均价格为420美元/平方英尺,夏威夷以720美元/平方英尺的价格领先. 6th-ranked Washington state homes average $420/sq ft, with Hawaii leading at $720/sq ft.
华盛顿州的房屋平均成本为每平方英尺420美元,美国排名第六,购买房屋,夏威夷最贵,每平方英尺720美元,加利福尼亚州、马萨诸塞州和纽约的成本高于华盛顿,西弗吉尼亚州和密西西比州更便宜。 Washington state's homes cost an average of $420 per sq ft, ranking it 6th in the US for purchasing a home, with Hawaii leading as the most expensive at $720 per sq ft. California, Massachusetts, and New York have higher costs than Washington, while West Virginia and Mississippi are cheaper alternatives. 数据取自Advice代理公司的研究,比较了Realtor.com的中位住房大小和价格。 The data was obtained from AgentAdvice's study, comparing median house sizes and prices from Realtor.com.