法国水手Romain Attanasio在2024年的Vendée Global比赛中排名第14位,83天后结束。 French sailor Romain Attanasio placed 14th in the 2024 Vendée Globe race, finishing in 83 days.
法国水手Romain Attanasio在2024年的Vendée Global独来独往世界赛事中完成了第14次比赛,在83天22小时48分后完成课程。 French sailor Romain Attanasio finished 14th in the 2024 Vendée Globe solo round-the-world race, completing the course in 83 days, 22 hours, and 48 minutes. 这标志着他第三次以强势状态连续结束。 This marks his third consecutive finish in a strong position. 尽管面临重大挑战,例如在比赛前几个月拆除桅杆,但 Attanasio 还是在最后一刻获得了资金,并提高了他比前几场比赛的表现。 Despite facing significant challenges like dismasting months before the race, Attanasio secured last-minute funding and improved his performance over previous races.