查理·达林带领万代环球赛 进入北半球 领先123英里 Charlie Dalin leads the Vendée Globe race into the Northern Hemisphere, ahead by 123 miles.
Charlie Dalin, 领导Vendée环球比赛, 跨越赤道进入北半球, 领先123英里, Charlie Dalin, leading the Vendée Globe race, crossed the equator into the Northern Hemisphere, maintaining a lead of 123 miles over second-place Yoann Richomme. 达林的总时间是56天,2小时,36分钟,23秒, 差点错过了从霍恩角到赤道的最佳时间. Dalin's total time is 56 days, 2 hours, 36 minutes, and 23 seconds, narrowly missing the best time from Cape Horn to the equator. 最顶尖的赛车手正从有利的风中得益,预计将在1月14日至16日之间完成。 The top racers are benefiting from favorable winds and are expected to finish between January 14th and 16th.