殖民者点燃了西岸的一座清真寺,在巴勒斯坦人中引发了安全恐惧。 Colonists torched a mosque in the West Bank, sparking security fears among Palestinians.
星期天,在西岸杰里科附近的阿拉伯al-Malihat社区的一个清真寺在殖民者倒下易燃物质并放火焚烧后,被火烧毁。 On Sunday, a mosque in the Arab al-Malihat community near Jericho, West Bank, was destroyed by fire after colonists poured a flammable substance and set it ablaze. 这次袭击还损坏了附近的一辆拖拉机,是一系列旨在驱逐巴勒斯坦人并没收其房屋的事件的一部分。 This attack, which also damaged a nearby tractor, is part of a series of incidents aimed at displacing Palestinians and seizing their homes. 没有人员伤亡的报告,但这一事件引起当地巴勒斯坦社区的安全关切。 No casualties were reported, but the incident has raised security concerns for the local Palestinian community.