在西岸发生的公共汽车枪击事件中,3名以色列人被打死,8人受伤;袭击者逃离。 Three Israelis were killed and eight wounded in a bus shooting in the West Bank; attackers fled.
2025年1月6日,西岸的一辆公共汽车遭到枪击,造成三名以色列人死亡,八人受伤。 On January 6, 2025, a shooting attack on a bus in the West Bank killed three Israelis and wounded eight others. 在巴勒斯坦Al-Funduq村附近发生事件后,袭击者逃离。 The attackers fled after the incident near the Palestinian village of Al-Funduq. 以色列领导人发誓对袭击者采取行动,而哈马斯赞扬了这次袭击。 Israeli leaders vowed to take action against the attackers, while Hamas praised the attack. 这一事件是在该区域紧张局势和暴力加剧,包括加沙持续冲突的情况下发生的。 This event comes amid increased tensions and violence in the region, including the ongoing conflict in Gaza. 1967年被以色列占领的西岸居住着300万巴勒斯坦人和50多万以色列定居者,后者的存在被国际社会广泛视为非法。 The West Bank, captured by Israel in 1967, is home to 3 million Palestinians and over 500,000 Israeli settlers, with the latter's presence widely considered illegal by the international community.