卡迪夫国家博物馆因安全问题突然关闭,修复工作由威尔士政府出资。 Cardiff's National Museum closed abruptly due to safety concerns, with repairs funded by the Welsh government.
卡迪夫国家博物馆出于安全考虑暂时关闭紧急维修,影响到没有事先通知的游客。 The National Museum of Cardiff has temporarily closed for urgent maintenance due to safety concerns, affecting visitors who had no prior notice. 预计关闭时间很短,博物馆优先关注游客的健康和安全,并保存馆藏物品。 The closure is expected to be short, with the museum prioritizing the health and safety of visitors and the preservation of its collections. 威尔士政府已拨出修复资金, 包括2025-26年预算增加370万英镑, 因为博物馆馆长担心大楼状况恶化, The Welsh government has allocated funds for repairs, including an additional £3.7m in the 2025-26 budget, following concerns about the building's deteriorating condition raised by the museum's director.