火车撞上了阿拉巴马州Scottsboro的汽车,造成多人受伤;详情待定。 Train hits car in Scottsboro, Alabama, leaving multiple people injured; detailspending.
星期五晚上,一辆火车和一辆汽车在北凯尔街阿拉巴马州Scottsboro发生碰撞,造成多人受伤。 A collision between a train and a car occurred on Friday night in Scottsboro, Alabama, on North Kyle Street, resulting in multiple injuries. Scottsboro警察局报告了这一事件,目前尚未掌握伤者状况的详细情况。 The Scottsboro Police Department reported the incident, and details about the condition of the injured are not yet available. 故事正在发展,一旦有了更多的信息,预计会有更多信息。 The story is developing, with more information expected as it becomes available.