拜登总统通知国会 在欧洲部署的80,000美军 来威慑俄罗斯 President Biden notifies Congress of 80,000 US troops deployed in Europe to deter Russia.
美国总统拜登(Joe Biden)告知国会, 约80,000美军部署在欧洲北约国家, 以遏制俄罗斯可能发动的侵略。 US President Joe Biden informed Congress that about 80,000 US troops are deployed in European NATO countries to deter potential Russian aggression. 俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)否认任何攻击北约国家的计划, 认为这些主张被用来转移国内议题的注意力。 This comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin denied any plans to attack NATO countries, suggesting such claims are used to divert attention from domestic issues. 部署的目的是支持盟国并反击所察觉的威胁。 The deployment aims to support allies and counter perceived threats.