Mutvendi村40年来没有学校,通过Chhattisgarh的“Niyad Nellanar”计划获得受教育机会。 Mutvendi village, without a school for 40 years, gains educational access through Chhattisgarh's 'Niyad Nellanar' scheme.
Chhattisgarh的Mutvendi村先前因Naxal相关挑战而失去一所学校40年, Mutvendi village in Chhattisgarh, previously lacking a school for 40 years due to Naxal-related challenges, now has a school thanks to the state's 'Niyad Nellanar' scheme. 该倡议旨在向贫困地区提供基本服务,目前在5个区运作。 This initiative aims to provide basic services to underprivileged areas, currently operating in five districts. 该计划不仅带来教育机会,而且标志着在诸如电力等领域取得进展,改善了本区域的未来前景。 The scheme not only brings educational opportunities but also marks progress in areas like electricity, improving the region's future prospects.