印度拨款103万美元,用于改善查谟和克什米尔的大学和建造宿舍。 India allocates $103M to improve universities and build hostels in Jammu and Kashmir.
印度政府已拨款85克朗用于加强查谟和克什米尔的高等教育基础设施。 The Indian government has allocated ₹85 crore for enhancing higher education infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir. 获得资助的项目包括加强Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah大学的“20格朗”方案,建造5个女孩新宿舍,每所10格朗,以及升级3所政府学位学院,每所5格朗。 Funded projects include strengthening Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University with ₹20 crore, constructing five new girls' hostels for ₹10 crore each, and upgrading three government degree colleges with ₹5 crore each. 这项资金支持《2020年国家教育政策》,侧重于包容性和卓越性。 This funding supports the National Education Policy 2020, focusing on inclusivity and excellence.