NRIs对Uttakhand的“领养村庄”计划表示兴趣, 目的是提升教育和连通性。 NRIs express interest in Uttarakhand's 'Adopt a Village' program, aiming to boost education and connectivity.
非居民印第安人(NIS)对Uttakhand的“领养村庄”方案表示兴趣, Non-resident Indians (NRIs) have shown interest in Uttarakhand's 'Adopt a Village' program, presenting plans to develop villages in the state. 倡议旨在加强教育,互联网连接和创业等各个方面, The initiative aims to enhance various aspects like education, internet connectivity, and entrepreneurship, with NRIs providing expertise and funding. 这一进程是自愿的,国家康复协会可以选择开发村庄,与地方当局签署谅解备忘录。 The process is voluntary, and NRIs can choose villages to develop, with a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed with local authorities.