蒙特利尔要求澄清当地图书馆禁止英语图书俱乐部后的语言法。 Montreal seeks clarification on language laws after a local library banned an English book club.
首都蒙特利尔要求魁北克政府帮助解释该省的语文法, 当地图书馆拒绝为英文书社提供校舍。 Montreal asked the Quebec government for help interpreting the province's language laws after a local library denied space for an English book club. 魁北克政府澄清说,法律并不适用,因为图书俱乐部不代表市政组织提供公共服务。 The Quebec government clarified that the laws do not apply since the book club does not offer public services on behalf of a municipal organization. 尽管如此, 书友会创始人担心未来会因2022年语言改革的模糊性而取消。 Despite this, the book club's founder fears future cancellations due to the vague nature of the 2022 language reform. 蒙特利尔计划对其工作人员进行教育,使其更好地解释法律。 Montreal plans to educate its staff to better interpret the laws.