在北爱尔兰住宅入侵中被蒙面闯入者射杀5次;受害者住院。 Man shot five times by masked intruders in Northern Ireland home invasion; victim hospitalized.
在北爱尔兰Coleraine, 一名70岁的男子被蒙面闯入者射中5次,他们闯入他的家。 A 70-year-old man in Coleraine, Northern Ireland, was shot five times by masked intruders who broke into his home. 受害人的手臂、腿、头和躯干受伤,现在住院,预计不会死亡。 The victim, with injuries to his arms, legs, head, and torso, is in the hospital and not expected to die. 警方称这起事件为“震惊”, 并强烈反对私刑行动, 要求公众合作调查。 Police described the incident as "appalling" and urged against vigilante actions, asking for public cooperation in the investigation. 当地政客谴责这次袭击,并呼吁伸张正义。 Local politicians condemned the attack and called for justice.