男子在贝尔法斯特被五名戴面罩的男子用锤子袭击后住院;摩托车后来起火。 Man hospitalized after being attacked by five masked men with hammers in Belfast; motorcycle later set on fire.
一名男子在贝尔法斯特东部Templemore街一个公寓遭到五名戴面罩的男子用锤子袭击后,被送往医院,伤势严重。 A man was hospitalized with severe injuries after being attacked by five masked men with hammers at a flat on Templemore Street in east Belfast. 袭击发生于2月12日下午8点左右。 The attack occurred around 8 pm on February 12th. 第二天早上,一辆摩托车在大楼的走廊被放火焚烧,不过没有人受伤。 The following morning, a motorcycle was set on fire in the building's hallway, though no one was hurt in the fire. 警方正在将这些事件作为关联处理,并正在进行调查。 Police are treating the incidents as linked and are investigating.