在法国购物区的枪击事件中, 一名男子受重伤, 另一个人受伤; 发现了24个子弹箱. Man critically injured, another grazed in shooting spree at French shopping area; 24 bullet cases found.
一名53岁的爱尔兰男子在一次购物旅行中多次中弹,包括在法国雷恩的胸部中弹后,身处危急状态。 A 53-year-old Irish man is in critical condition after being shot multiple times, including in the chest, in Rennes, France, during a shopping trip. 一名40多岁的中国男子也遭到枪击,但只被小鹿割伤。 A Chinese man in his 40s was also shot but only grazed on his calf. 一辆偷来的汽车中的蒙面袭击者在逃跑前发射自动武器。 Masked attackers in a stolen car fired automatic weapons before fleeing. 这一事件发生在一个繁忙购物区,在现场留下了24个9毫米口径子弹箱。 The incident, which occurred in a busy shopping area, left 24 9mm bullet cases at the scene. 这次攻击是继最近在同一地区发生枪械暴力事件之后发生的。 This attack follows recent incidents of gun violence in the same area. DCOS犯罪科正在领导调查。 The DCOS crime division is leading the investigation.