能源公司面临针对非法“退款”的反弹, 为超过12个月的使用量开出账单。 Energy firms face backlash over illegal "back billing," issuing bills for usage older than 12 months.
英国广播公司的一份报告强调“回帐”问题, 能源公司为12个月以上的使用发送账单, 尽管这种做法自2018年以来就是非法的。 A BBC report highlights the issue of "back billing," where energy companies send bills for usage older than 12 months, despite this practice being illegal since 2018. Hayley Jarvis在两年半前收到5 768英镑的能源使用费账单,经过几天的争端后最终被取消。 Hayley Jarvis received a £5,768 bill for energy used two and a half years ago, which was eventually canceled after days of disputes. 据公民咨询协会报告,提出投诉的数量大幅上升,从2023年的47 000起增加到2024年的近60 000起。 Citizens Advice reports a significant rise in billing complaints, from 47,000 in 2023 to nearly 60,000 in 2024. 尽管Ofgem的干预,但这种做法仍在继续,E.On接着将错误归咎于人类错误,并承诺审查其过程。 Despite Ofgem's intervention, the practice continues, with E.On Next attributing errors to human mistakes and promising to review their processes.