艾伯塔省削减了为风险儿童和老年人年中眼科检查提供的资金,每年节省800万加元。 Alberta cuts funding for mid-year eye exams for at-risk kids and seniors, saving $8M annually.
艾伯塔省政府将削减对风险儿童和老年人年中眼科检查的资金,从2月4日开始,每年可节省800万加元。 The Alberta government will cut funding for mid-year eye exams for at-risk children and seniors, starting February 4, to save up to $8 million annually. 艾伯塔省乐观主义者协会没有得到咨询,该协会警告说,这可能会导致更多的视力丧失,并增加艾伯塔人的健康成本。 The Alberta Association of Optometrists, which was not consulted, warns this could lead to more vision loss and increased health costs for Albertans. 批评者担心这些变化将不成比例地影响弱势群体和固定收入人口。 Critics fear the changes will disproportionately affect vulnerable populations and those on fixed incomes.