艾伯塔省为K-5学生推出新筛查,以发现早期识字和算术问题。 Alberta introduces new screenings for K-5 students to detect early literacy and numeracy issues.
艾伯塔省从2025年1月开始为幼儿园至五年级学生进行新的识字和算术筛查。 Alberta is implementing new literacy and numeracy screenings for kindergarten to Grade 5 students starting in January 2025. 该倡议旨在查明早期学习方面的挑战并提供必要的支助,通过筛选能够准确地查明潜在的阅读困难。 The initiative aims to identify early learning challenges and provide necessary support, with screenings able to accurately identify potential reading difficulties. 该省将在 2024-25 学年投资 1000 万澳元用于识字和算术支持,同时投资 15 亿澳元用于辅导员和治疗师等教育支持人员。 The province is investing $10 million for literacy and numeracy support in the 2024-25 school year, alongside a $1.5 billion investment in educational support staff like counselors and therapists.