自大流行以来,美国儿童的阅读技能有所下降,数学成绩仅略有提高。 U.S. kids' reading skills have dropped since the pandemic, with only small gains in math.
最近的全国考试结果显示,自大流行开始以来,美国四年级和八年级学生在阅读方面落后,数学进步甚微。 Recent national exam results show US fourth and eighth graders have fallen behind in reading and made minimal progress in math since the pandemic began. 阅读技能尤其令人担忧,目前的分数低于大流行前的水平。 Reading skills are particularly concerning, with scores now below pre-pandemic levels. 这种下降归因于学校关闭和远程学习造成的中断。 This decline is attributed to disruptions caused by school closures and remote learning.