两名男子指控佩尔红衣主教实施性虐待,他们从澳大利亚国家补救计划得到赔偿。 Two men alleging sexual abuse by Cardinal Pell received compensation from Australia's National Redress Scheme.
两名男子指控已故主教乔治·佩尔在1970年代犯有性虐待罪,他们从澳大利亚国家补救计划获得赔偿。 Two men who accused the late Cardinal George Pell of sexual abuse in the 1970s have received compensation from Australia's National Redress Scheme. 尽管与刑事案件相比,该计划的证据标准较低,但一名男子因据称的肛交强奸而获得95 000美元,另一名男子因被抢而获得45 000美元。 Despite the scheme's lower standard of proof compared to criminal cases, one man received $95,000 for alleged anal rape, and another got $45,000 for being groped. 批评者认为这一过程缺乏刑事审判的严格性。 Critics argue the process lacks the rigor of a criminal trial. 天主教会否认了虐待,但该计划认为男子的申诉可信。 The Catholic Church denied the abuse but the scheme found the men's claims credible.