洛杉矶大主教管区与 1,353 名神职人员虐待受害者达成了 $880M 的和解协议。 The Los Angeles Archdiocese reaches an $880M settlement with 1,353 clergy abuse victims.
洛杉矶大主教管区与 1,353 名神职人员性虐待受害者达成了 8.8 亿美元的和解协议,这是天主教大主教管区在美国达成的最大单笔和解协议。 The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has reached an $880 million settlement with 1,353 victims of clergy sexual abuse, marking the largest single settlement by a Catholic archdiocese in the U.S. 这些索赔,有些可追溯到几十年,根据加利福尼亚议会第218号法案恢复了原样。 The claims, some dating back decades, were revived under California's Assembly Bill 218. 从大主教区获得的付款总额现在超过15亿美元。 The total payouts from the archdiocese now exceed $1.5 billion. 资金将来自投资、储备金和贷款,其中涉及其他宗教组织的捐款。 Funding will come from investments, reserves, and loans, with contributions from other religious organizations involved.