奥克兰教区面临法律诉讼,指控为逃避神职人员虐待而转移资金106万美元。 Oakland Diocese faces lawsuit alleging $106M fund transfer to evade clergy abuse payouts.
加利福尼亚奥克兰教区被指控将1.06亿美元转入一项基金,以避免向神职人员性虐待的幸存者付款。 The Diocese of Oakland, California, is accused of moving $106 million into a fund to avoid paying survivors of clergy sexual abuse. 法院提出索偿要求是在主教区提出破产要求之前这样做的,建议为保护资产采取欺诈做法。 The court filing claims this was done before the diocese filed for bankruptcy, suggesting a fraudulent scheme to protect assets. 幸存者的律师希望法院要么否决这一贷款安排,要么将基金置于破产程序之下。 Survivors' attorneys want the court to either disallow this loan arrangement or make the fund subject to bankruptcy proceedings.