汤加新总理和内阁今天宣誓就职。 Tonga's new Prime Minister and Cabinet to take oaths of office today.
1月30日,汤加新总理艾塞克(Aisake Eke)及其内阁将宣誓就职。 On January 30, Tonga's new Prime Minister Aisake Eke and his Cabinet will take their oaths of office. 在巴布亚新几内亚,布干维尔正在筹备由五个新选区组成的年中选举,首席法官Gibbbs Salika呼吁分裂西部省。 In Papua New Guinea, Bougainville is preparing for mid-year elections with five new constituencies, and Chief Justice Gibbs Salika calls for the division of Western Province. 斐济部长Sashi Kiran谴责社交媒体关于儿童饮酒的录像, 强调儿童保护法。 Fiji's Minister Sashi Kiran condemned a social media video of a child drinking alcohol, emphasizing child protection laws. Lilly Muldoon博士警告说,咀嚼贝特尔坚果会给健康带来风险,北马里亚纳群岛正在管制相关的添加剂。 Dr. Lilly Muldoon warned of health risks from betel nut chewing, and the Northern Mariana Islands are regulating an associated additive. 在萨摩亚,从沉没的HMNZS Manawanui清除燃料的第二阶段正在进行。 In Samoa, the second phase of fuel removal from the sunken HMNZS Manawanui is ongoing.