研究发现84%的帕金森病人有睡眠问题,结果更糟。 Study finds 84% of Parkinson's patients suffer sleep problems, linked to worse outcomes.
Maynooth大学最近进行的一项研究涉及来自38 000多名帕金森病人的数据,发现84%的人有睡眠问题。 A recent study by Maynooth University, involving data from over 38,000 Parkinson's patients, found that 84% experience sleep problems. 这些问题与抑郁症的增加、独立性的降低和生活质量的下降有关。 These issues are linked to increased depression, reduced independence, and lower quality of life. 研究还表明,睡眠紊乱使药物效应消退的时期更加恶化。 The study also showed that sleep disturbances worsen periods when medication effects wear off. 研究人员强调在帕金森管理中解决睡眠问题的重要性。 Researchers stress the importance of addressing sleep issues in Parkinson's management.