巴拿马总统拒绝在鲁比奥访问之前与美国就巴拿马运河的所有权进行谈判。 Panama's president refuses to negotiate with the US over Panama Canal ownership, ahead of Rubio's visit.
巴拿马总统声明,巴拿马不会与美国就巴拿马运河的所有权进行谈判。 Panama's president has stated that the country will not negotiate with the US over the ownership of the Panama Canal. 这项宣言是马科·鲁比奥参议员访问前发表的。 This declaration comes ahead of a visit from Senator Marco Rubio. 运河是一条至关重要的国际水道,仍然是两国关心的焦点。 The canal, a vital international waterway, remains a point of interest for both nations.