尼日尔成为第一个消除河盲症的非洲国家,这是公共卫生中的一个里程碑。 Niger becomes first African nation to eliminate river blindness, a milestone in public health.
世界卫生组织(卫生组织)指出,尼日尔已成为非洲第一个消除河流失明的国家,河流失明是一种引起失明的寄生虫疾病。 Niger has become the first country in Africa to eliminate river blindness, a parasitic disease causing blindness, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 这一成就归功于病媒控制、大规模药物分配以及尼日尔政府、卫生组织和非政府组织之间牢固的伙伴关系。 This achievement is due to a combination of vector control, mass drug distribution, and a strong partnership between the Nigerien government, WHO, and NGOs. 尼日尔的成功被视为其他非洲国家对付类似被忽视的热带疾病的典范。 Niger's success is seen as a model for other African countries battling similar neglected tropical diseases.