乌干达使用新的疫苗和创新的蚊子控制技术防治疟疾。 Uganda combats malaria with new vaccines and innovative mosquito control technologies.
乌干达正在领导防治疟疾的努力,疟疾是一个重大的健康问题,每年在全球造成60万人死亡,并造成巨大的经济损失。 Uganda is leading efforts to combat malaria, a major health issue causing 600,000 annual deaths globally and significant economic losses. 由于感染率高,该国正在引进新的疫苗,并合作开发新的蚊子控制技术。 With high infection rates, the country is introducing new vaccines and collaborating on innovative mosquito control technologies. 与此同时,尼日利亚正在动员商界领袖和政府机构解决其严重的疟疾负担。 Meanwhile, Nigeria is mobilizing business leaders and government bodies to address its significant malaria burden. 南部非洲区域在消除疟疾的努力中面临资金和资源挑战。 The Southern African region faces financing and resource challenges in malaria elimination efforts.