世卫组织和GHIT基金伙伴促进为被忽视的热带疾病提供负担得起的治疗。 WHO and GHIT Fund partner to boost affordable treatments for neglected tropical diseases.
GHIT基金和卫生组织签署了一项扩大伙伴关系的协议,目的是改善被忽视的热带疾病获得负担得起的治疗的机会。 The GHIT Fund and WHO have signed an agreement to expand their partnership, aiming to improve access to affordable treatments for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). 合作侧重于四个领域:研究、资源调动、宣传和参加非农产品市场准入小组。 The collaboration focuses on four areas: research, resource mobilization, advocacy, and participation in NTD groups. 这一伙伴关系旨在加速研发工作,并与卫生组织的NTD路线图和可持续发展目标保持一致。 This partnership seeks to accelerate R&D and align with WHO’s NTD roadmap and the Sustainable Development Goals.