帝国石油公司报告,尽管产量增加,利润仍然较低,但股息却增加了20%。 Imperial Oil reports lower profits despite increased production, yet raises dividend by 20%.
加拿大一家石油公司帝国石油公司的利润从前一年的13.7亿美元下降到第四季度的123亿美元,原因是原油价格下降,尽管产量有所增加。 Imperial Oil, a Canadian oil company, saw its fourth-quarter profit drop to $1.23 billion, down from $1.37 billion the previous year, due to lower crude prices despite increased production. 该公司的产量增至每天460 000桶石油当量,比前一年的452 000桶有所增加。 The company's production rose to 460,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, up from 452,000 the year before. 尽管财政下降,帝国石油公司的季度红利增加了20%,每股72美分。 Despite the financial decline, Imperial Oil increased its quarterly dividend by 20%, paying out 72 cents per share.