包括埃克森公司和Chevron公司在内的4家主要石油公司,尽管原油价格下跌和资金紧张,仍借款15美元作为股票回购。 4 major oil companies, including Exxon and Chevron, borrow $15bn for share buybacks despite crude price decline and financial strain.
包括埃克森公司和Chevron公司在内的五大石油公司中,有四家正在借款,为150亿美元的股票回购融资,这引起了对可持续性的关切。 Four of the five major oil companies, including Exxon and Chevron, are borrowing to finance $15 billion in share buybacks, raising concerns over sustainability. 随着原油价格从今年的高位下跌17%,而且预计现金流动将下降30%,这些公司的收入将下降12%,本季度总共约为244亿美元。 With crude prices down 17% from this year's high and a projected 30% decline in cash flow, these companies face a 12% earnings dip, totaling around $24.4 billion for the quarter. 石油价格的前景仍然不乐观,表明这些公司目前财政拮据。 The outlook for oil prices remains bearish, indicating ongoing financial strain for these firms.