前第一民族就业协会主任承认犯有欺诈罪,盗窃了743 000美元。 Former First Nations Employment Society director pleads guilty to fraud, stole over $743,000.
第一民族就业协会前执行主任Norma Jenny Bird认罪,在2010年至2015年期间利用该组织的信用卡支付个人开支,欺骗雇主743 000美元以上。 Former executive director of First Nations Employment Society, Norma Jenny Bird, pleaded guilty to defrauding her employer over $743,000 by using the organization's credit card for personal expenses between 2010 and 2015. 设在温哥华-阳光海岸地区的第一民族就业协会代表了10个第一民族,并与加拿大服务社合作开展就业培训。 The First Nations Employment Society, based in the Vancouver-Sunshine Coast area, represented 10 First Nations and worked with Service Canada on employment training. 皇家骑警领导了调查工作。 The RCMP led the investigation.