有隐藏携带执照的公民 停止持械抢劫, 杀死一名攻击者, 伤害另一个 在芝加哥。 Citizen with concealed carry license stops armed robbery, kills one attacker, wounds another in Chicago.
在芝加哥的霍曼广场,一名28岁的男子持有隐藏的携带执照,挫败了一起武装抢劫未遂事件,两名袭击者中有一人被杀,另一人受重伤。 In Chicago's Homan Square, a 28-year-old man with a concealed carry license thwarted an armed robbery attempt, killing one of the two assailants and critically wounding the other. 事件发生在凌晨5时左右,劫匪接近他,索要他的财产。 The incident occurred around 5 a.m. when the robbers approached him and demanded his belongings. 受害者被送往医院,身体状况良好,警察从现场找到两件武器。 The victim was taken to a hospital in good condition, and police recovered two weapons from the scene.