在芝加哥,一名男子在争吵时胸部中弹;持牌携带的枪手被逮捕。 In Chicago, a man was shot in the chest during an argument; the shooter, licensed to carry, was arrested.
芝加哥一个隐蔽的携带执照持有者周一晚上在南海岸附近的争吵中开枪射中了一名男子的胸部。 A concealed carry license holder in Chicago shot a man in the chest during an argument on Monday night in the South Shore neighborhood. 30岁的枪手注意到另一人拿着枪,并开枪还击,打了他一次。 The 30-year-old shooter noticed the other man had a gun and fired back, hitting him once. 伤者自己驾车前往医院,身体状况良好。 The wounded man drove himself to the hospital where he is in fair condition. 武器和枪手都被拘留了 侦探正在调查这起事件 Both a weapon and the shooter were taken into custody, and detectives are investigating the incident.