一名男子在圣托马斯·埃尔金总医院被捕,此前发生了一起导致疏散的刀子事件。 A man was arrested at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital after a knife incident that led to an evacuation.
一名32岁的少年在警察对圣托马斯埃尔金总医院的刀子事件作出反应后被捕。 A 32-year-old was arrested after police responded to a knife incident at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital. 紧急部门被疏散;警察用泰瑟枪,抢走刀子,提供精神健康支助。 The emergency department was evacuated; officers used a taser, seized the knife, and provided mental health support. 未提出任何指控,事件正在调查中。 No charges were laid, and the incident is under investigation. 警察局长指出,安大略省和加拿大的医院暴力事件增加,警方和医院合作加强安全措施。 The police chief noted increased hospital violence in Ontario and Canada, with police and hospital collaborating to enhance safety measures.