Osage Beach警察调查在Oak Star Bank的自动取款机盗窃;偷来的卡车用来破坏自动取款机。 Osage Beach police investigate ATM theft at Oak Star Bank; stolen truck used to break ATM.
Osage Beach警察正在调查在Oak Star Bank的自动取款机失窃案,其中一辆失窃的福特小卡车于星期三清晨被用来强行打开自动取款机。 Osage Beach police are investigating an ATM theft at Oak Star Bank where a stolen Ford pickup truck was used to force open the ATM early Wednesday morning. 一笔未公布数额的现金被盗。 An undisclosed amount of cash was stolen. 该卡车的保险杠上有一个链条,在凌晨2时30分左右发生警报后在现场发现。 警方敦促任何知情者打电话(573 302-2010)。 The truck had a chain attached to its bumper and was found at the scene after an alarm was triggered around 2:30 a.m. Police urge anyone with information to call (573) 302-2010.