三名嫌犯在Puyallup盗取了一台自动取款机和一辆被盗挖掘机,导致警方追逐。 Three suspects stole an ATM with a stolen excavator in Puyallup, leading to a police chase.
三名嫌犯于星期六清晨在华盛顿Puyallup用偷来的挖土机盗取了一台自动取款机。 Three suspects stole an ATM using a stolen excavator in Puyallup, Washington, early Saturday morning. 他们将 ATM 机装进一辆偷来的黑色福特 F-350 上,然后鲁莽逃跑,导致警方在萨姆纳附近结束了追捕。 They loaded the ATM into a stolen black Ford F-350 and fled recklessly, leading to a police pursuit that was terminated near Sumner. 据报告,挖掘机和卡车均被盗。 Both the excavator and the truck were reported stolen. Puyallup警察局正在寻求公众的任何信息或录像,以协助调查。 The Puyallup Police Department is seeking any information or footage from the public to aid in the investigation.