几内亚消除了睡眠疾病,这是一种由采采蝇传播的疾病,这是一项具有里程碑意义的成就。 Guinea has eliminated sleeping sickness, a disease spread by tsetse flies, in a landmark achievement.
几内亚成功地消除了睡眠疾病这一被忽视的热带疾病,这是该国取得的第一个这样的成就。 Guinea has successfully eliminated sleeping sickness, a neglected tropical disease, marking the first such achievement for the country. 这一疾病由采采蝇传播,引起发烧、头痛和神经问题。 The disease, transmitted by tsetse flies, causes fever, headaches, and neurological issues. 这一成功得到世界卫生组织的承认,归功于几内亚政府、卫生伙伴和地方社区之间多年的合作,并成为仍在对抗这一疾病的其他国家的希望灯塔。 This success, recognized by the World Health Organization, is due to years of collaboration between the Guinean government, health partners, and local communities, and comes as a beacon of hope for other nations still battling the disease.