肯尼亚前总统敦促非洲领导人注重自力更生,而非美国削减援助。 Former Kenyan President urges African leaders to focus on self-reliance, not U.S. aid cuts.
肯尼亚前总统尤鲁鲁·肯雅塔敦促非洲领导人自力更生,减少对外国援助的依赖,特别是响应美国关于冻结国际援助的决定。 Former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta urged African leaders to become self-reliant and reduce dependence on foreign aid, particularly in response to the U.S. decision to freeze international aid. 肯尼亚塔在卫生问题首脑会议上发言,强调非洲国家需要注重可持续发展和有效利用资源,而不是对削减援助感到悲哀。 Speaking at a health summit, Kenyatta emphasized the need for African nations to focus on sustainable development and efficient use of resources, rather than lamenting the aid cuts. 他强调了将卫生和教育置于军事支出之上的重要性。 He highlighted the importance of prioritizing health and education over military spending.