加纳总统阿库福-阿多强调经济自给自足和减少对外部援助的依赖,以促进整个非洲的可持续发展。 Ghana's President Akufo-Addo emphasized economic self-sufficiency and reducing dependency on external aid to promote sustainable development across Africa.
加纳总统阿库福-阿多强调,在加纳外交关系理事会成立5周年之际,非洲需要优先考虑经济自给自足,减少对外部援助的依赖。 Ghana's President Akufo-Addo emphasised the need for Africa to prioritise economic self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on external aid during the 5th anniversary of the Council on Foreign Relations Ghana. 他概述了在整个非洲大陆实现可持续发展的战略,包括加强国内资源调动、培养企业家精神和为土著私营部门投资创造有利环境。 He outlined strategies for achieving sustainable development across the continent, including enhancing domestic resource mobilisation, fostering entrepreneurship, and creating a conducive environment for indigenous private sector investment. Akufo-Addo呼吁注重非洲经济的结构转型,在伙伴关系、相互问责、可持续性和地方自主权的基础上,在发展合作中树立新的范式。 Akufo-Addo called for a focus on structural transformation for Africa's economies and a new paradigm in development cooperation based on partnership, mutual accountability, sustainability, and local ownership.