在美国城市,54至73岁的黑人男子的吸毒过量死亡率比其他群体高出四倍。 Black men aged 54 to 73 in U.S. cities face overdose death rates four times higher than other groups.
在巴尔的摩、芝加哥、波士顿等城市,54至73岁的黑人男子因吸毒过量而死亡的比率比其他种族群体高出四倍以上。 Black men aged 54 to 73 in cities like Baltimore, Chicago, and Boston are dying from drug overdoses at rates more than four times higher than other racial groups. 这一人口群体面临历史挑战,包括经济差距、越南战争期间接触海洛因的情况以及严厉的毒品法。 This demographic faces historical challenges including economic disparities, exposure to heroin during the Vietnam War, and harsh drug laws. 经常与芬太尼混合的可卡因是造成这些死亡的一个主要原因。 Cocaine, often mixed with fentanyl, is a major contributor to these deaths. 解决该问题的努力因系统性障碍和缺乏文化上相关的治疗方案而复杂化。 Efforts to address the issue are complicated by systemic barriers and a lack of culturally relevant treatment options.