研究发现,97%的《纽约公约》纳洛酮药包接受者有吸毒过量的高风险,突出显示了种族差别。 Study finds 97% of NYC naloxone kit recipients at high risk of overdose, highlighting racial disparities.
由Weill Cornell Medicine和纽约市卫生部进行的一项研究发现,97%通过纽约市预防吸毒过量方案获得纳诺酮药包的人有过度吸毒的高风险。 A study by Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York City Health Department found that 97% of those who received naloxone kits through overdose prevention programs in NYC were at high risk of overdosing. 2018年,发放了100 000多个工具包,到2023年,预防方案的数量增至300多个。 Over 100,000 kits were distributed in 2018, and the number of prevention programs rose to over 300 by 2023. 尽管分配公平,但某些种族群体,包括老年黑人和拉丁美洲/拉丁美洲群体受过量影响更大。 Despite equitable distribution, certain racial groups, including older Black men and Latino/Latina groups, were more affected by overdoses. 研究报告强调需要进一步努力解决这些差异。 The study emphasizes the need for additional efforts to address these disparities.