孟加拉国的贫穷地图显示达卡的Paltan为1%,马达里普为54.4%,全国贫困率为19.2%。 Bangladesh's poverty map shows Paltan in Dhaka at 1%, Madaripur at 54.4%, with a national rate of 19.2%.
孟加拉国统计局(BBS)公布了一份贫困图,显示达卡的Paltan地区贫困率最低,为1%,而Madaripur地区贫困率最高,为54.4%。 The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has released a poverty map showing that Paltan area in Dhaka has the lowest poverty rate in the country at 1%, while Madaripur district has the highest at 54.4%. 总体而言,孟加拉国19.2%的人口生活在贫困线以下,城市地区为16.5%,农村地区超过20%。 Overall, 19.2% of Bangladesh's population lives below the poverty line, with urban areas at 16.5% and rural areas over 20%. Barisal 分区的分区贫困率最高,为 26.6%,其次是 Rangpur 的贫困率大幅下降至 25%。 Barisal division has the highest division-level poverty rate at 26.6%, followed by a significant decrease in Rangpur's rate to 25%. 该报告旨在帮助决策者更有效地将减贫工作作为目标。 The report aims to help policymakers target poverty reduction efforts more effectively.