世界银行敦促孟加拉国进行改革,以创造就业,在经济挑战中实现包容性增长。 World Bank urges Bangladesh to undertake reforms for job creation, inclusive growth amid economic challenges.
世界银行强调,孟加拉国必须进行重大改革,在高通胀、国际收支赤字和青年,特别是妇女和受过教育者的机会有限等挑战中,促进创造就业机会和包容性增长。 The World Bank emphasizes that Bangladesh must undertake significant reforms to foster job creation and inclusive growth amid challenges like high inflation, a balance of payments deficit, and limited opportunities for youth, especially women and the educated. 预计25财政年度国内生产总值增长率在24财政年度增长5.2%之后将下降至4%,注意到收入不平等加剧。 GDP growth is projected to decline to 4% in FY25, following a 5.2% growth in FY24, with rising income inequality noted. 报告呼吁改善经济治理和改善商业环境,以实现可持续发展。 The report calls for improved economic governance and a better business environment to achieve sustainable development.